Monday, January 10, 2011

Imagine That!

Today is my sixth anniversary as a Church Administrator.  I’ve been pondering how I got to this point, and where I’m heading next.  As some of you know, I came to First Pres after many years in Human Resources in the meat and poultry industries.  Now, when I started working in that field, the thought of working for a church never entered my mind.  And yet, 12 years later, there I was.  When I started working for First Pres, the thought that I would one day go into missions never entered my mind.  And yet, six years later, here I am. 

I’m a planner, and yet, looking at my life, a majority of it is filled with things I hadn’t ever considered.  Trust me, when I graduated from college with a Psych degree, working where animals came in on their feet, and left in plastic-wrapped containers, was definitely NOT in my life-plan!  The thing is, working in Human Resources on the third shift of a slaughter plant has equipped me in many ways.  (Not to mention given me a veritable plethora of unbelievable stories!)

I love the verse in Ephesians which says God is able to do more than we ask or imagine.  Our ability to imagine is a gift from the Creator of the universe, allowing us to look past ourselves and glimpse a bit of His bigger view.  But, because of sin, it’s only a glimpse.  Which is why I’m so thankful God isn’t limited to my thoughts and ideas!  Because, the reality is, my view of the world is downright puny.  In fact, looking back, I can see how my need to try and direct all the details has often limited my ability to enjoy God’s amazing and unexpected working in my life.

Today is my sixth anniversary.  That’s 72 months.  I have only 4 more before I begin my new adventure.  Very honestly, I can’t begin to imagine what that’s really going to be like.  Even though I’ve been there twice, what will it be like to live and serve in Jarabacoa full-time?  Is this going to be God’s final move for me?  Or, will there be something else around a bend far off down the road?  I don’t know. 

What I do know is that if my life had turned out like I planned, it would be small and boring.  A life lived on my terms alone takes no imagination.  It is safe and puny.  Which begs the question: is that the kind of life Jesus came to redeem?  Think about it – while we still sinners, unable to ask for anything, God sent Jesus.  I mean, could any of us on our own ever have imagined God being willing to take on human flesh, human sins? 

We are Christ-followers, and that means we are pretty much guaranteed unboring, unsafe lives.  If the world hates Me, Jesus told His disciples, it will hate you, too.  To be faithful to Him is only going to be possible with the immeasurable power of God at work in us!  But, we have His promise that He will be with us.  What does my future look like?  I’m not completely sure.  But, I am confident that it’s going to be way more than I could ask or even imagine!

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen. 
Ephesians 3:20-21


  1. Kim, I love Richard Hudnut's title for his book: "Surprised by God." That's exactly the story of anyone's faith pilgrimage. Learned early on not to tell God what I WOULD do or what I would NOT do. And like you, my pilgrimage is still full of things I could never, would never imagine. Thank you, God.

  2. I love that title! I'll have to try and find it. I'm always looking for a good book! Thanks for sharing! :O)
