Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Can See You

Despite a night of interruptions (what WAS Lisa barking at last night at 1, 2 and 4?!) I woke up excited for the day.  Why?  Today is Sunday, which means worshiping at La Vid followed by yummy lunch with Doña Gloria. 
All good, but it was even more than that good stuff.  No, what had me so excited was the fact that the outreach team from JMU-IV was going to be at church. 

JMU is James Madison University, which just happens to be in Harrisonburg, VA, my hometown for the past 8 years.  One of the team leaders, Rachel, is a sweet, fun, and faith-filled ‘little sister’ in Christ.  In fact, she was part of our First Pres team who came down in 2010 and served at the Social Work site in El Callejon. 
One night on that trip, Rachel told me she needed to talk to me.  Okay.  No, she said, not yet.  I was a bit perplexed, but figured she’d talk to me when she was ready.  The next night, she told me, okay, now. 

And what she told me was this:  I have a spiritual gift of prophecy.  I can sometimes ‘see’ what a person should do, and when I tell them, it sometimes freaks them out.  But, I can see you living and working here.  If Students International offers you a job, I think you should take it.
She did kind of freak me out!  Not because I didn’t believe her, but because I did.  You see, the Spirit had been working on my heart during that trip, ever since I stepped foot back in El Callejon.  No, truthfully, He’d been at work long before that! 

But, to hear this college student, who I really didn’t know all that well, echoing what was going on in my soul… yeah, it was a bit freaky.  And, so, so amazing!

Obviously, SI did offer me the job.  Of course, It took work on my part, too.  I have to admit I get frustrated by those who sit and twiddle their thumbs waiting for THE SIGN that God has called them to this or that.  Yes, I believe God absolutely could choose to act with no help from us, but that doesn’t seem to be how He operates. 
After all, He’s already given us plenty of signs.  The Bible is filled with what He would have us do.  Sure, there aren’t specifics, but  I firmly believe that if we do what Jesus said, seeking Him first, keeping our focus on His Kingdom, we will be exactly where He wants us.  If we are faithful to Him, He will use us for His glory, in His way. 

But, we’ve got to do more than sit on our comfortable backsides.  Do you know Jesus?  Do you love Jesus?  Live for Him.  He’ll let you know… along the way.  Very honestly, as Christ followers, we don’t have the luxury of waiting around.  The needs of the world are big.  No, they are HUGE!  We each have a part, and I just don’t see much in the Bible that says our part is to sit to the side.
Sorry!  Stepping off my soapbox now!
My being here in the DR was a bunch of tiny steps, small affirmations.  One of those was Rachel’s prophetic word.  What a joy to see her this morning, and to worship our great God together!
Rachel & I after church.
Seeing Rachel and the JMU-IV team today was awesome.  The fact that these young people are spending their Spring Break here serving Jesus makes my heart sing. 
Sure, there are plenty of young people who will be spending this week serving only themselves, but it fills me with excitement and hope to see this tangible proof that the Holy Spirit is continuing to call up Kingdom workers. 
I'm looking forward to a week (actually a month!) of serving with those who have stepped out of their comfort zones to come and share Jesus here.  It's obviously not the only way to follow God's call.  I pray each of us will continue to seek Him, confident that in that seeking He will allow us to be a part of His amazing Kingdom work!  All glory to Him!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear friend! You are such a gift to El Callejon...thank you for responding to His call in your life. XoXo
