Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cows and Motos and Cowboys, Oh my!

You need to be alert at all times driving here!
Hi, everyone!  This is a picture of what was on the main road into Jarabacoa as I drove home yesterday evening. 

The cows seemed to enjoy 'visiting' the drivers.
It kind of sums up my life right now.  Just as I think I’m cruising along at a good pace, with my activities and lessons well-planned out  – Wham! – cows!!  Everything gets ‘bunched’ up and jumbled, as things start moving at various paces in all directions. 
The cows eventually got herded off the road by the guys (cowboys?), and the rest of us, motos, cars, trucks & SUVs started moving again.  No one got super upset – at least, there weren’t tons of horns honking or people shouting.  It’s just a part of living and driving here. 
Heading down to the river.

I pray that I continue to learn this more tranquil outlook on life.  I tend to get a tad bit freaked out when the ‘cows’ of my life intrude.  Those unexpected things that get in my way and slow me down. 
The weather this week has kept folks from coming out to the Site.  Holidays and days off of school have also brought our attendance down.  My planned activities have had to be adjusted.  But, that’s okay.  Or, at least, I’m learning that it’s okay!

As I wind down this two-week outreach, I’m going to be sad to say goodbye to Krista, Jessica & Rachel.  (I hope you’ve had a chance to check out the Social Work site blog to read about some of our adventures together!) 
We’ve had time to hang out and get to know each other better this week, and that’s been great.  How fun to hear how God has been at work in their young lives (they are 18, 19 and 19) and to remember His work in mine as I’ve shared parts of my story.  He truly is amazing!!

I hope that whatever ‘cows’ or other obstacles show up in your day, you will also be reminded of God’s work in your life.  That, even in the seeming chaos, He is working out all things for your good and His glory. 

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