Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chronological Bible

I’ve mentioned my Chronological Bible in more than one post.  The truth is, right now I don’t have an actual Bible broken into chronological readings.  I gave mine to a dear friend after (carefully!) tearing out the reading plan. 

When I got to Guatemala, however, I realized I had accidentally shipped the pages to the DR.  I was super disappointed.  I’ve been reading through the Bible chronologically for the past few years, and didn’t want to take the whole summer off.  What to do? 
Any of you born after 1976 (and probably many of you born before then, too!) are probably shaking your heads.  Umm… there’s this thing called the Internet, Kim! 

So, at some point, I remembered that I could check the web.  Oh, happy day!  I found a plan to follow.  Sure, it wasn’t quite as easy as having the passages from II Kings, II Chronicles and Isaiah, or Daniel, Ezra and Haggai all grouped together, but it was still a joy to be able to read the unfolding story of God’s glory in chronological order. 
The year is ending this week, and this morning I read one of my favorite verses, Revelation 7:9 where John saw some from all tribes, tongues, nations and languages at the throne. 

I've been using my Nueva Version Internacional, and there is something beautiful and fitting reading these words of prophecy and promise in this new language and country to which God has called me! 

Next week, I’ll start again, “Dios, en el principio, creó los cielos y la tierra.” (Genesis 1:1)

You may already have a way that you like to read through the Bible, but because this has been such a blessing to me, I wanted to share it with you. 
At first, it’s pretty simple, of course, but as it moves from the first books, the drama unfolds, incorporating prophecy, psalms and more into the narrative. 
For example, after David sins with Bathsheba and is confronted by the prophet Nathan, we read Psalm 51.  "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" (vs 10).

Understanding how the ‘minor’ prophets fit into the history of the two kingdoms helps explain why they were all so harsh!  Reading all the stories of Jesus’ last week is powerful and moving.  And then, the Resurrection stories, one after the other proclaiming He is Risen – oh, it’s awesome!!
I will admit, at times reading in this way can be challenging - especially in the “Law” passages.  But, to me, it was a good reminder of our need for a Savior - and of how long the Israelites waited for Him.  After nearly ten months of the Old Testament, I was so ready to read Matthew 1! 

Each year I’ve read the Bible this way, I find something new.  It has also enhanced my other reading and studying of the Bible, since I understand how the books are connected in history. 
Okay, this is sounding a lot like an advertisement, but I promise I'm not being paid!!  Here’s the link for the online reading plan I used, although there are lots of others, too.

It lets you choose your version and then takes you to the Biblegateway website where you can read all the day’s passages.  There are also plenty of Chronological Bibles in different versions you can purchase. 

It’s incredible that the Creator of all things has chosen to reveal Himself to us in His Word!  A Chronological Bible is just one more way to learn more about our Triune God, and the story of His glory!
P.S.  If you’re already using a chronological plan, or plan to give it a try, I’d love to hear your feedback.


  1. I have thought of doing this the past few years, but never researched it. Thanks for doing the work FOR me! :-)


  2. I am late responding.. I am up to Judges, started a few days ago, in my chronological plan. I am using a plan from Blue Letter Bible on "YouVersion" application in NKJV. I've never read all of the bible so I'm really loving putting pieces together and reading parts I have never read before. The light really shines when you are in God's Word. I need to send you an e-mail. Hope to send it soon. Love and Hugs! Sara
