Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hola, Jarabacoa!

Walking up the steps to my place you're greeted
by Lisa, the guard dog.  She climbs
up in this chair and surveys the scene!
I’ve just finished a delicious dinner of leftover rice (with turmeric, ajwan & fresh cilantro), zucchini (with cumin) and black beans (with fresh tomatoes, shallots, red pepper, two kinds of cilantro and ground cumin & coriander).  Oh, and fresh pineapple, mango and watermelon. 
Front doorway
Kitchen on right, living room,
bed area, closet, bathroom to left

Yes, I’m here in Jarabacoa!  Yesterday Brian and his wife Sissy helped me get some basics.  I’ve been to the grocery store and both the fruit and vegetables markets.  And, all of my spices are unpacked!!  Opening each container was like meeting old friends.  Filling up my Masala Daba (where I keep my most-used spices) was delightful. 
View from the closet area doorway. 
Kitchen ahead, front door on right
Bed to the right, living space to left.
Barnabas hanging out on my cubricama (bed cover)
from Antigua.  Bought the lamp today to match.
You can see the doorway to the closet and bathroom.
So, last night, I cooked my first meal in a very long time.  I have to admit, I used about 10 matches on the gas stove trying to turn the flame down to simmer my rice!  I also was reacquainted with my spice grinder.  In my excitement I accidentally dumped half-ground spices all over my nice white floor... But, oh my, was it worth it!!
I’ll write more later about some of my first impressions, the awesome people here on the SI staff, and maybe about my less-than-fun trip here.  But, for now… my new place:

I got here on Thursday afternoon and immediately fell in love with my new little home.  I spent several hours that night, and a good part of Friday evening, unpacking and getting things mostly situated.  (Don’t be too impressed – I didn’t have that much to unpack!) 
Kitchen counter... and my Masala Daba and other spices.
Somewhat fewer than before, but all the good ones are here!
Stove is to the right.
I’ve still got some more to do, including finding a couch.  Rocking chairs look quaint, but aren’t the most comfortable for relaxing and reading a book or watching a DVD – or taking a little siesta! 
Much more later!  Hmm… now that I’m here, I guess I need to change the header on this blog, eh?!  Dios es bueno!!
Eating area.  The fridge (and stove, too!) is quite small
which will take some getting used to. 
But, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!!


  1. I love that the guard dog's name is Lisa! So glad you are settling in to your new home.

  2. It's wonderful to see your home! I can't wait to hear more. You're THERE! Dios ES bueno!!

  3. I have those same little stars on a string. :-) They hang over my kitchen sink! I love them. Now maybe they will help me remember to pray for you!

    Also, I can't see your Barnabas very well, but he looks like a good friend I've had named Big Bear. It can be essential to have something to cuddle!

    I love your blog colors! I don't know when you changed them--haven't been here in a while--but it adds some celebration that seems deeper than the blog itself. Or something. I can't express it, but the new 'do is really nice and seems quite fitting. Have really enjoyed reading some of your posts this evening! I can hear you saying them. :-)
